Building on a Budget: Meeting Code and Your Budget with Mono Slab®️ EZ Form


Mono Slab®️ was created with affordability and convenience in mind. Our forms are designed to make quick work of forming and insulating a frost-protected shallow foundation (FPSF) in any climate without the high price tag. When Northern Built set out to build a “code-minimum house” in Minnesota, they chose the use the Mono Slab®️ Arctic […]

Panelized Building and Monolithic Slab Foundations

When it comes to residential construction, selecting the right method is crucial for efficiency, durability, and energy performance while still trying to maintain affordability. You don’t want to sacrifice quality just to save some money. With the advancements in engineering and construction methods, it’s possible to get quality, durable, and efficient structures and stay under […]

Efficient Monolithic Foundations

It can be challenging to make a living as a contractor at the best of times. Material costs are constantly on the rise, qualified labor is getting harder to find, and your work schedule is at the whim of the housing market and mother nature. Compared to monolithic slab foundations, crawl spaces are much more […]